510+ Sikh Boy Names List A to Z 2025
510+ Sikh Boy Names List A to Z 2025

510+ Sikh Boy Names List A to Z 2025

While naming a child boy is a unique occasion inside the circle of relatives. While many households need to provide a current call to their child, conventional names from nonsecular texts are still popular and fantastic for naming your child.

Sikh names regularly deliver deep cultural and spiritual meanings.

  • Consult the Guru Granth Sahib:
    • You can take names from the holy ebook and call your child; thus, also small modifications can be made to the one’s names to make it present day.
  • Meaning and Significance:
    • Understand the means of your chosen name. Choose a name that displays superb traits, virtues, or attributes.
  • Cultural and Historical References:
    • A call that has historical significance is first-rate to have and is usually favored with the aid of different circles of relatives, individuals, and society.
  • Spiritual and Virtuous Qualities:
    • Sikh names often replicate virtues and religious qualities. Look for names that encompass characteristics inclusive of courage, humility, compassion, and righteousness.
  • Family and Cultural Heritage:
    • Explore names that have importance in your circle of relatives or cultural historical past. This can create a feeling of connection and continuity.

Sikh baby boy Names A to Z with Meaning

With A Sikh Boy Names

AkaljeetOne who conquers the timeless.
AmandeepLight of peace.
AmarjeetOne who conquers the immortal.
AnmolPriceless, precious.
ArjanName of the fifth Sikh Guru, ‘striving’ or ‘effort.’
AseemBoundless, infinite.
AshmeetVictorious or one who has conquered.
AvtarIncarnation, divine manifestation.
AjaibWonderful, amazing.
AmritNectar; holy water used in Sikh baptism.
AtmaSoul, spirit.
AnhadUnstruck melody, divine music.
ArshpreetLove for the divine throne (referring to God).
AvtaranIncarnation, manifestation.

With B Sikh Boy Names

BalbirStrong and brave.
BaljeetMighty and victorious.
BalwantPowerful, strong.
BhupinderKing of kings.
BirinderKing of warriors.
BhaveshLord of the world.
BhupeshKing, ruler.
BalveerBrave and strong.
BikramPowerful, courageous.
BhajanAdoration, devotion.
BaldevGodlike in power.
BachittarWondrous, marvelous.
BhavnoorLight of God’s presence.
BhupinderpalProtector of the king.
BirpreetLove for bravery.

With C Sikh Boy Names

CharanpreetLove for the feet (symbolizing humility and devotion).
ChetanConsciousness, spirit.
ChiranjeevImmortal, one who lives forever.
ChamanGarden, paradise.
ChiragLamp, light.
CharandeepLamp of the Guru’s feet.
ChaanakyaName of the ancient Indian philosopher and teacher.
ChirpreetLove for eternal God.
CharanjeetOne who has conquered the divine.
ChiratpalProtector of divinity.
ChananjeetOne who wins the light.
ChandandeepLamp of the moon.
CharitGood conduct, virtue.
CharanbirBrave at the feet of the Guru.
CharanpalProtector of the feet (of the Guru).

With D Sikh Boy Names

DalbirBrave soldier.
DilpreetOne who is dear at heart.
DavinderKing of gods.
DamanpreetLove for being in control.
DharamRighteousness, moral duty.
DharambirRighteous and brave.
DilrajKing of hearts.
DhianContemplation, meditation.
DhavalPure, white.
DalerBrave, courageous.
DharmveerRighteous and courageous.
DharampalProtector of righteousness.
DilshadHappy, cheerful.
DaljeetThe victorious one.
DhruvConstant, immovable.

With E Sikh Boy Names

EkamOne, unity.
EkjotUnion with the One.
EkanpreetLove for the One.
EkamjotLight of the One.
EkamdeepLamp of the One.
EkroopOf one form.
EkrajOne ruler.
EkloveyOne who adores the Lord.
EshwarGod, supreme being.
EkanathLord of the One.
EktaajCrown of unity.
EshleenAbsorbed in God’s love.
EkaanshWhole, complete.

With F Sikh Boy Names

FatehVictory, triumph.
FirandeepLamp of the brave.
FirozVictorious, successful.

With G Sikh Boy Names

GurdevAlmighty Guru.
GurcharanFeet of the Guru.
GurinderLord, master.
GurmeetFriend of the Guru.
GursevakServant of the Guru.
GurdeepLamp of the Guru.
GurvinderLord of the Gurus.
GurrajKing of the Guru.
GurvanshGuru’s blessing.
GurcharanjitVictory with the Guru’s grace.
GurbaniThe Guru’s word (referring to the Sikh scriptures).
GurmailFriend of the Guru.
GurpreetLove for the Guru.
GurshantPeace through the Guru.

With H Sikh Boy Names

HarbhajanDevotion to God; one who sings God’s praises.
HarinderLord of gods.
HarminderGod’s beloved.
HarshbirWarrior of joy.
HarshdeepLamp of joy.
HarvinderLord of all.
HarleenAbsorbed in God’s love.
HarmanBelonging to God.
HarmohanCaptivating the Lord.
HarnoorLight of God.
HarsimranIn remembrance of God.
HartejRadiance of God.
HarvanshGod’s family.
HimmatCourage, determination.

With I Sikh Boy Names

IkjotOne light, referring to the divine light.
InderpreetLover of God.

With J Sikh Boy Names

JaspreetOne who loves to sing praises of the Lord.
JagmeetOne who has conquered the world.
JasmeetThe one who is absorbed in singing praises.
JapinderMeditating on the Lord.
JagjotLight of the world.
JagtarOne who conquers the world.
JasveerBrave one who sings the praises of the Lord.
JaswantFamous, renowned.
JivanLife, soul.
JasroopEmbodiment of glory.
JagdishLord of the world.
JagdeepLamp of the world.
JapleenAbsorbed in meditation.
JagveerHeroic in the world.

With K Sikh Boy Names

KaramjitVictorious through divine grace.
KuldeepLamp of the family.
KulwantFull of grace.
KulvirHero of the family.
KavishPoet, wise.
KartarCreator, one who shapes the destiny.
KamaljeetAchiever of perfection.
KulbhushanOrnament of the family.
KulpreetLove of the family.
KiranpreetLove for the rays of the sun.
KamalbirBrave and noble.
KuljitVictorious in the family.
KulvinderLord of the family.
KanwalpreetLove for the lotus.
KarmveerHeroic through action.

With L Sikh Boy Names

LakhbirBrave as a hundred thousand.
LakhmeetFriend of the people.
LakhpreetLove for a hundred thousand.
LavpreetLove for the Lord.
LavjotLight of love.
LakhveerBrave as a hundred thousand.
LalitBeautiful, graceful.
LakhwinderLord of a hundred thousand.
LavinderLord of love.
LokinderKing of the world.
LavjinderGod of love.
LakhdipLight of a hundred thousand.
LalpreetLove for the beloved.
LavdeepLight of love.
LavtejRadiance of love.

With M Sikh Boy Names

ManpreetOne who loves his mind.
MohanCharming, delightful.
ManvirHero of the mind.
MandeepLight of the mind.
ManinderLord of the mind.
ManrajRuler of the mind.
ManveerBrave heart.
ManjotLight of the mind.
MehrBlessing, kindness.
MohinderGod of love.
MukulBud, blossom.
MandeepLight of the mind. (Duplicate)
ManleenAbsorbed in the mind.

With N Sikh Boy Names

NavtejNew light; radiant
NavdeepNew lamp; new enlightenment
NavjotNew light; new brightness
NavrajNew kingdom; new rule
NavkiranNew ray of light
NirmalPure, clean
NirvaanUltimate bliss
NihalBlissful, happy
NakulMongoose; symbol of alertness
NavroopNew form; beautiful
NavreetNew tradition; new custom
NavjeetNew victory
NavmeetNew friend; new companion
NavroopBeautiful appearance
NaveenNew, fresh

With O Sikh Boy Names

OnkarThe primal sound, the supreme reality

With P Sikh Boy Names

PrabhjotThe light of the Supreme
PrabhleenAbsorbed in God’s love
PrabhsimranRemembering the Supreme One
ParamSupreme, ultimate
PrabhjyotThe divine light
PrabhdeepLamp of the Supreme
ParamjitOne who has conquered the Supreme
PargatManifested, revealed
PardeepLamp of the Supreme
PrabhdyalRadiance of the Supreme
PaviterHoly, pure
PritamBeloved, dear one
PrabhavPowerful, influential

With R Sikh Boy Names

RavinderLord of the sun
RajveerBrave king
RupinderBeautiful, handsome
RandeepThe light of battle
RanjitVictor in battles
RamanPleasing, delightful
RajpreetLove for the king
RavneetBeautiful and pleasant
RaminderLord of the mind
RavtejSplendor of the sun
RupinderpalProtector of beauty
RashpalProtector of the realm
RajbirBrave king
RavikantBeloved of the sun
RamnikAbsorbed in God’s love

With S Sikh Boy Names

SatnamTrue name, essence of truth
SimranRemembrance of God
SarabjitEntire victory
SukhbirWarrior of peace
SatinderLord of truth
SarbjotLamp of peace
SahibjotLight of the Lord
SurjitConqueror of the world
SarbjeetOne who conquers everything
SatvirTrue warrior
SimarpreetLove for remembrance
SahibpreetLove for the Lord
SukhpreetLove for peace
SatnamTrue identity
SurinderKing of gods

With T Sikh Boy Names

TavleenEngrossed in God
TejinderRadiant Lord
TarandeepLamp of the Savior
TeghbirBrave sword
TaranpreetLove for the savior
TanvirStrong, robust
TarsemOne who is satisfied
TejbirThe brave one with splendor
TejpalProtector of splendor
TeghpreetLove for the sword
TanveerBrave, strong
TeghjotLight of the sword
TaranjotLight of the savior
TanvirStrong, powerful

With U Sikh Boy Names

UdaiRising, prosperity
UjjalBright, clear
UdhamRising, progressing

With V Sikh Boy Names

VarinderLord of all
VeerBrave, courageous
VikramCourageous, victorious
VinodHappiness, joy
VeerinderHeroic lord
VikramjeetVictorious warrior
VikrantPowerful, victorious
VishalLarge, grand
VishnuThe preserver, a Hindu god
VeerpalProtector of the brave
VeerpartapHeroic in strength
VishvatmaUniversal soul
VeerendraLord of heroes
VishwajeetConqueror of the universe

With W Sikh Boy Names

WarisInheritance, heir

With Y Sikh Boy Names

YuvrajPrince, heir apparent
YashpalProtector of fame
YogeshLord of Yoga, a practitioner of yoga
YuvreetYouthful love
YadwinderLord of remembrance
YuvanYouthful, young
YudhveerHeroic in battle
YajatLord Shiva
YograjKing of Yoga
YugdeepLamp of the era
YugvirHero of the era
YuvleenAbsorbed in youthfulness
YuvanpreetLove for youthful energy
YogenderLord of Yoga
YugantarThe end of an era

With Z Sikh Boy Names

ZorawarPowerful and strong

Sikh Boy Names from Gurbani:

AkalThe timeless, eternal
ChiragLamp, light
GurpreetLove for the Guru
HarjotLight of God
IkjotOne light, symbolizing the divine light
JapjiChanting or meditation on the divine
NanakName of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak
SatnamTrue name, essence of truth
SimranRemembrance of God
GurjapChanting the Guru’s name
AnandBliss, joy
ArjanName of the fifth Sikh Guru, meaning ‘striving’ or ‘effort’
GursevakServant of the Guru
KaramGrace, divine mercy

Modern Sikh Boy Names:

ArmaanDesire, wish
RohanAscending, growing
ZayanGraceful, beauty
VeerBrave, courageous
AaryanNoble, honorable
KaranKarna, one of the heroes of the Mahabharata
AvirajKing of peace
ArnavOcean, sea
AryanNoble, honorable
AaravPeaceful, calm
DevDivine, god-like
IshaanSun, sunbeam
VivaanFull of life, lively
RajveerBrave king

Royal Sikh Names:

MaharajKing, emperor
RajveerBrave king
RanveerHeroic warrior
BirinderKing of warriors
SarabjitEntire victory
PrabhjotThe light of the Supreme
JasvinderKing of glory
YuvrajCrown prince
RajpalProtector of the kingdom
BhupinderKing of kings
DalbirBrave soldier
RajvirHeroic king
HarminderGod’s beloved
IkjotOne light, symbolizes the divine light


What are some popular Sikh boy names?

Popular Sikh boy names include Harpreet, which means ‘one who loves God’; Arjun, a renowned warrior in Sikh history; Inderpreet, meaning ‘lover of God’; and Navdeep, signifying ‘new light’.

How are Sikh boy names chosen?

Sikh boy names are often chosen based on spiritual and historical significance. Many names are derived from the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book, and may reflect virtues or divine attributes.

Can Sikh boy names have multiple meanings?

Yes, many Sikh boy names have multiple meanings, reflecting different aspects of spirituality, bravery, and virtues. The context and the combination of words in the name often define its specific meaning.

Are there any guidelines for naming a Sikh boy?

In Sikhism, the naming ceremony, known as Naam Karan, usually takes place in a Gurdwara. The child’s name is often chosen to start with the first letter of a randomly selected verse from the Guru Granth Sahib. Additionally, Sikh boy names traditionally end with ‘Singh’, meaning ‘lion’.


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